Cloudia’s Rage

“Cloudia opened her mouth silently and bubbled up to twice her original height. A swarm of icy shards erupted out from the dark purple inside her and spun around her head. An arm emerged from one side and drew back as the swarm of ice followed. Red slipped out of Naio’s grip and floated up … Continue reading Cloudia’s Rage

R&B used books

They are still far and few in between, but I occasionally get reading opportunities. R&B used books was the latest, and it is just what you might think it is: stacks of books to the ceiling. The owner, Beth, knows where just about any books you’re looking for is, but even as I walked in … Continue reading R&B used books

One year ago…

Tamaishi was printed and in my hands. I remember how impossible it felt, that I might never finish. But as with Zōsan, I eventually figured out how to gradually chip away at it and it was done. That’s how Where All The Little Things Live feels now. So far away, but I know sooner than … Continue reading One year ago…